Avril Lavigne - Two Rivers vaizdo klipas

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Avril Lavigne

Two Rivers dainos žodžiai

Grains of sand slip through your hands
Never ceasing time
Fold your hands in silent prayer
Eternal peace you'll find [CHORUS]
Like two rivers flow
to the open sea
Someday we'll reunite
for all eternity Let the rain falling on your face
Run in to your eyes
Can you see the rainbow now
Through the stormy skies [CHORUS]
Like two rivers flow
to the open sea
Someday we'll reunite
for all eternity Like two rivers flow
to the open sea
Someday we'll reunite
for all eternity Standing in the rising tide
Heaven's light shines on you
On you, on you Test the sea rising at your feet
How far can you go
Til you need God's helping hand
To ride the under-toe [CHORUS]
Like two rivers flow
to the open sea
Someday we'll reunite
for all eternity Someday we'll reunite
for all eternity Someday we'll reunite
for all eternity


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