Mariah Carey - Twister vaizdo klipas

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Mariah Carey

Twister dainos žodžiai

She was kind of fragile
And she had a lot to grapple with
But basically she kept
It all inside Childlike and effervescent
With a well of pain
The depth of I could not imagine
If I tried Never thought that I
Would hear them say
Twister went and threw it all away She was kind of magical
Her laughter sent you casually
Floating through a moment
Of release Dear God, it's all so tragic
And I'll never have the chance
To feel the closure
That I untimately need
No, I never dreamed
That there would come a time
Twister'd go and leave it all behind Lord I pray she's found some peace
And her soul's somewhere at ease Yeah I'm feeling kind of fragile
And I've got a lot to handle
But I guess this is my way
Of saying goodbye


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