A Ha - Turn The Lights Down vaizdo klipas

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A Ha

Turn The Lights Down dainos žodžiai

Turn the Lights down

Turn the lights down, the night is too long
Keep yourself warm, I´m coming home
I cannot help you, you yourself must see
Decide now what you want to be
Turn the lights down, the lights are too

When you´re down and out, just hold on
Realize that nothing lasts long
We must believe the things we cannot
Everything´s alright with me
Turn the lights down, the lights are too

I just want to sleep by your side
It makes me feel so alive
I just want to sleep for awhile

Turn around, the night is still young
Realize that things can go wrong
You must decide now where you want to
You´re the one who said to me:
Realize that nothing lasts long

I just wanna sleep by your side
It makes me feel so alive

So easy to love from a distance
Hard to be near when you can
Impossible now to get back to
Where we began

I just wanna sleep by your side
It makes me feel so alive
I just wanna sleep by your side
I just wanna sleep through the night


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