Beck - Truckdrivin Neighbors Downstairs vaizdo klipas

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Truckdrivin Neighbors Downstairs dainos žodžiai

Acid casualty with a reposessed car
Vietnam vet playin' air guitar

It's just the shit-kickin', speed-takin',
Truck-drivin' neighbours downstairs

Whiskey stained buck-toothed backwoods creep
Grizzly bear motherfucker never goes to sleep

It's just the shit-kickin', speed-takin',
Truck-drivin' neighbours downstairs
Oh, yeah

Belly floppin' naked in a pool of yellow sweat
Screamin' jackass with a wet cigarette

It's just the shit-kickin', speed-takin',
Truck-drivin' neighbours downstairs
Oh, my goodness
Oh... [etc.]
Mmm... [etc.]
Psychotic breakdown double-edged axe
Growin' hair like a shag rug on a greasy back
It's just the shit-kickin', speed-takin',
Truck-drivin' neighbours downstairs
Oh my goodness
Oh my goodness
[Sung under the following:] Oh... [etc.]
Oh, yeah
Come on, Honey, feel the grease
Grease, grease
Come on, Honey, feel the grease
Oh, my goodness
Come on, Honey, feel the grease
Oh yeah
Come on, lay it on me
Bring it down one more time
Come on, Honey...


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