Jurga - Trouble vaizdo klipas

Kitu Jurga dainų žodžiai

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Trouble dainos žodžiai

When I was a child
I was singing with a bird
I was flying with a bee
round’ n’ round – yellow and brown. I had many questions like “Why”? “When”? and
“How”? there were some answers surprising me till now. Refr. “One” is a trouble
“Two” is a couple which often make troubles out of nothing. People are creative – that’s our native: everybody knows rules but they foul up the game. Two days ago I was ready to flow down the river with a blue and white freedom. But then I saw the red skies in Your sad eyes reflecting dying flowers and borning stars – I stopped. Refr. You’re asking me things – I answer You by songs
sometimes it makes You mad but sometimes You smile. I like when You’re smiling
so one time a week I do something stupid like giving names to each one of Your shoes. Refr. The red skies in Your sad eyes…


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