Bad Religion - Too Much To Ask vaizdo klipas

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Bad Religion

Too Much To Ask dainos žodžiai

A refreshing plunge
A drink of platable water
A deep inspiration on a warm summer day
A safe stroll in the middle of the road community
A neighbor who in times of need will not turn away
I ain't no politiciam
I am a citizen
And I wonder if I'm living too far out of bounds
Community protection
Police that serve without legitimate right to maim
Global aareness
Ecological guilt
Cultural and environmental awakening
I ain't no optimist
I try to be a realist
And I think that we are living too far out of bounds
Is it too much to ask?
Could it be the world is shrinking?
I can see the walls closing in
No one can take much for granted anymore
Remote control
Three cars for every family
Corruption at the expense of the simple majority
A violent crash
A plunder of the third world
Any wretched ploy that bolsters our economy
I ain't no blind supporter
I'm a conscious citizen
And I know that we are living too far out of bounds
Is it too much to ask?
Can we keep the earth from sinking?
I can see the walls closing in
No one can take much for granted anymore
(you better not take it for granted anymore)
I'm not taking nothing for granted anymore


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