Nat King Cole - Time And The River vaizdo klipas

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Nat King Cole

Time And The River dainos žodžiai

Time and the river
Will bring my love to me
If I must, I’ll wait forever
By the river that took her to the sea.
Here by the river
We loved, we laughed, we cried
But with time, my love, my darling,
Left my arms and was gone with the tides.

*How long I’ve been lonely, star of love; shine bright.
I need her, oh, lead her to my arms tonight.
Time and the river,
How swiftly they go by.
But my heart will beat for no other
Till time stands still and the river runs dry.

(Instrumental interlude and pick up at *.)

*How long I’ve been lonely, star of love; shine bright.
I need her, oh, lead her to my arms tonight.
Time and the river,
How swiftly they go by.
But my heart will beat for no other
Till time stands still and the river runs dry.


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