Abba - Tiger vaizdo klipas

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Tiger dainos žodžiai

The city is a jungle, you better take care
Never walk alone after midnight
If you don't believe it you better beware
Of me
I am behind you, I'll always find you, I am the tiger
People who fear me never go near me, I am the tiger
The city is a nightmare, a horrible dream
Some of us will dream it forever
Look around the corner and try not to scream
It's me
I am behind you, I'll always find you, I am the tiger
People who fear me never go near me, I am the tiger
Yellow eyes are glowing like the neon lights
Yellow eyes, the spotlights of the city nights
I am behind you, I'll always find you, I am the tiger
People who fear me never go near me, I am the tiger
The city is a prison, you never escape
You're forever trapped in the alleys
Look into the shadows and you'll see the shape
Of me
I am behind you, I'll always find you, I am the tiger
People who fear me never go near me, I am the tiger
Yellow eyes are glowing like the neon lights
Yellow eyes, the spotlights of the city nights
I am behind you, I'll always find you, I am the tiger
People who fear me never go near me, I am the tiger
And if I meet you, what if I eat you, I am the tiger
I am behind you, I'll always find you, I am the tiger
Tiger, tiger, tiger!


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