Le Ann Rimes - Tic Toc vaizdo klipas

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Le Ann Rimes

Tic Toc dainos žodžiai

Come inside my walls of
Ecstasy, within me
Close the door and throw away
The key
That's the way you can start by
Moving in nice and slow
Taking your time to move
Down low
'cause everything you do is
Everything I need
Lights are low, so here we go,
Let's get busy Tic toc
Hands on the clock
Time to make my body rock
Move with me, you get me
So hot that I can't stop
Tic toc
You got the spot
Here I come ready or not
Move with me, you get me
So hot that I can't stop
Tic toc tic toc baby
Tic toc tic toc baby You opened up my world to
Paradise, so nice
Feels so good my body
When you touch me I lose
Control and start to shake
Your love is so good I ain't
Gotta fake
'cause everything you do is
Everything I like
The plot thickens, time's tick'n,
You're my toy tonight [chorus] Tic toc the clock keeps
On tick'n
Hurry up before it gets too late
Tic toc the clock keeps on
Hurry up before it gets too late A little to the left
A little to the right
A little bit longer
All the way tonight
I close my eyes, my body
Boy your touch hits all my
Don't stop
Come on
I'm almost there
In the middle of the night
Reality stops
And I'm suspended
In your arms
As I melt from your touch [chorus] [chorus]


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