Kelis - This Must Be Love vaizdo klipas

Kitu Kelis dainų žodžiai

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This Must Be Love dainos žodžiai

i dont hate you - i think i love you
i dont hate you (u'know?) - i think i love you (i think i love you babe)

[dane bowers (kelis)]
this must be love i'm feeling
this must be love [this gotta be]
this must be love i'm feeling
this must be lovewell i wait in every day you know just in case
you decide to call
and i can hardly wait 'cos i never thought time could pass so slowlythis must be love i'm feeling
this must be love [this must be love]
this must be love i'm feeling
this must be love [must be love]

now happiness is something i never thought i'd feel again
but now i know (i know)
and it's you that i've been looking for (looking for)
and day by day, more and more
i know what you think (i know what you think) you've heard it before
don't tell me i know (i know)
but this feeling inside my heart
you know i'm never letting go
'cos i think thatthis must be love (must be love) i'm feeling
this must be love (loove)
this must be love i'm feeling (i'm feeling)
this must be love [this must be love]

[kelis (dane bowers)]
this must be love that i'm feelin for you
what you feelin for me 'cos it's making me weak (it's making me weak)
this must be love that i'm feelin inside (i'm feelin inside)
ain't no words to describe it
this must be, it's gotta be love (gotta be love)

can't get you outta my mind (oooh)
everyday, look what you do to me (i cant explain)
i think i love you
i love what you do to me
have nothing to say

[dane bowers]
this must be love i'm feeling
this must be love
this must be love...
this must be love...


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