Hannah Montana - Thinking Of You Might Make Me Frown vaizdo klipas

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Hannah Montana

Thinking Of You Might Make Me Frown dainos žodžiai

Shalala Shalala there once was me.
And now konwone knows me. I once was there and now I'm gone. When you look at that girl she's just disapered. That once was me. If I ever looked into your eyes and said something you didn't want to hear. I was gone you didn't think of how I would of felt so you just went and did what you wanted. When I was there, there wouldn't be a fight.When I was there,there wouldn't be a frown I would always cheer you up in the end. Now I'm starting over again have you ever thought? Have you ever been so proud?
Thinking of you might make me frown. Might make me frown. If I ever looked into your eyes and said something you didn't want to hear. I was gone you didn't ever think of how I would of felt.So you just went and did what you wanted. Thinking of you might make me frown.


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