Radiohead - Thinking About You (Ep Version) vaizdo klipas

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Thinking About You (Ep Version) dainos žodžiai

Been thinking about you,
Your records are here,
Your eyes are on my wall, your teeth are over there.
And I'm still no one, and your my star,
What do you care?

Been thinking about you,
But there's no rest,
Should I still love you, still see you in bed.
But I'm playing with myself, What do you care?
When the other men are far, far better.

And all the things you've got,
All the things you'll need.
Who bought you cigarettes?
Who bribed the company to come and see you honey?

I've been thing about you,
And there's no rest,
Should I still love you, still see you in bed?
But I'm playing with myself, what do you care?
When the other men are far, far better.

Been thinking about you,
You're records are here,
Your eyes are on my wall, your teeth are over there,
But I'm still no one, and your my star,
What do you care?

And all the things you've got,
All the things you'll need,
Who bought you cigarettes?
Who bribed the company to come and see you...... play.........

Been thinking about you...


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