Alan Jackson - There Goes vaizdo klipas

Kitu Alan Jackson dainų žodžiai

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Alan Jackson

There Goes dainos žodžiai

There you were standin' in the shadows
Well I just looked where
I don't see
I'm still pretendin I don't need you
I won't let you know you're killin me

Like some big black widow spider
You know just how to catch your prey
I'm actin like it doesn't matter
And you sneak up from
Behind and whisper my name

There goes your paralyzin eyes
There goes your tantalizin smile
There goes my act of playin it cool
And there go the words
I meant to say
There go the games
I wanted to play
There goes my heart fallin for you

Well I think you're playin with me darlin
You like to see what you can do
Well I should be fishin for Blue Marlin
Instead of bein hooked again by you

There goes your paralyzin eyes
There goes your tantalizin smile
There goes my act of playin it cool
And there go the words
I meant to say
There go the games
I wanted to play
There goes my heart fallin for you

Yeah there goes your paralyzin eyes
There goes your tantalizin smile
There goes my heart fallin for you
There goes my heart fallin for you


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