Switchfoot - The Sound In My Mouth vaizdo klipas

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The Sound In My Mouth dainos žodžiai

I am the crook who robs me
I am my own adversary
I am my enemy [2x]
And my mouth is an army And when the night falls on me
I become anything but free
I get so sick of this
It gets ridiculous
And my mouth is an army The Sound in my mouth
It gets so loud [2x]
Little words can slip out
words like sorry
and I'm so sorry
YEAH!!! I am the tyrant of discourse
I am the beater of the dead horse
I am the irritant [2x]
and my mouth is a brute force Here we are in another night
Gearin' up or a social accident
With a pick pie, a pick size, a pick five
and my mouth is an army
The Sound in my mouth
It gets so loud [2x]
Little words can slip out
words like sorry The Sound in my mouth
It gets so loud [2x]
Little words can slip out
words like sorry
and I'm so sorry Where would you find yourself
without love?
Give love to someone else
Is that enough?
If love is to find yourself
Are you finding love?
Or are you picking sides? The Sound in my mouth
It gets so loud [7x] The Sound in my mouth
It gets so loud [2x]
Little words can slip out
words like sorry


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