Muse - The Smallprint vaizdo klipas

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The Smallprint dainos žodžiai

take, take all you need
and i'll compensate your greed
with broken hearts
sell i'll sell your memories
for 15 pounds per year
but just the good days say, it'll make you insane
and it's bending the truth
you're to blame
for all the life that you'll lose and you watch this space
but i'm going all the way
and be your slave to the grave
i'm the priest God never paid
hope, i hope you've seen the light
coz no one really cares
they're just pretending
sell, i'll sell your memories for 15 pounds per year
but you can keep the bad days say,it'll make you insane
and i'm bending the truth
you're to blame
for all the life that you'll lose
and you watch this space
and i'm going all the way
and be your slave to the grave
i'm the priest God never paid


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