Avril Lavigne - The Punk Show vaizdo klipas

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Avril Lavigne

The Punk Show dainos žodžiai

Hanging out behind the club on the weekends
Acting stupid, getting drunk with my best friends
I couldn't wait for the summer and the Warped Tour
I remember that it's the first time that I saw her there

She's getting kicked out of school cause she's failing
I'm kinda nervous, cause I think all her friends hate me
She's the one, she'll always be there
She took my hand and I made it I swear


Because I fell in love with the girl at the rock show
She said what? and I told her that I didn't know
She's so cool, better sneak me through her window
Everything's better when she's around
I Can't wait until her parents go out of town
Cause I fell in love with the girl at the rock show

When we said we were gonna move to Las Vegas
I remember the look her mother gave us
17 without a purpose or direction
We don't owe anyone a f**kin explanation

(Repeat Chorus)

Black and white picture of her on my wall
I waited for her call, she always kept me waiting
And if I ever got another chance I'd still ask her to dance
Because she kept me waiting

(Repeat Chorus)

with the girl at the rock show
with the girl at the rock show
(I'll never forget tonight)
with the girl at the punk show......


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