Vince Gill - The Luckiest Guy In The World vaizdo klipas

Kitu Vince Gill dainų žodžiai

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Vince Gill

The Luckiest Guy In The World dainos žodžiai

I’ve got a secret I keep in my heart
A secret that sure makes me smile
And I’ve got a feeling deep down in my soul
That I haven’t felt in a while
I’ve found somebody that really does love me
And I know that she’ll always stay
I’m the luckiest guy in the world
‘Cause my heart feels this way

We watch old movies and cry at the endings
And get lost in each other’s eyes
We hold hands when we’re walking and
Spend all night talking and make love as the sun starts to rise
She’s found somebody that really does love her
And she knows that I’ll always stay
I’m the luckiest guy in the world
‘Cause her heart feels this way

We share the same hopes
We dream the same dreams
Oh lifelong companions I’d say
I’m the luckiest guy in the world
‘Cause our hearts feel this way
I’m the luckiest guy in the world
‘Cause our hearts feel this way


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