John Michael Montgomery - The Little Girl vaizdo klipas

Kitu John Michael Montgomery dainų žodžiai

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John Michael Montgomery

The Little Girl dainos žodžiai

Her Parents never took the young girl to church
Never spoke of his name, never read her his word
Two nonbelievers walking lost in this world

Took their baby with them what a sad little girl
Her daddy drank all day and mommy did drugs
Never wanted to play or give kisses and hugs

She’d watch the TV and sit there on the couch
While her mom fell asleep and her daddy went out
And the drinking and the fighting

Just got worse every night
Behind their couch she'd be hiding
Oh what a sad little life


And like it always does the bad just got worse
With every slap and every curse
Until her daddy in a drunk rage one night
Used a gun on her mom and then took his life
And some people from a city

Took the girl far away
To a new mom and a new dad
Kisses and hugs every day

BRIDGE ( Same as before)

Her first day of Sunday school the teacher walked in
And a small little girl stared at a picture of him
She said I know that man up there on that cross
I don’t know his name but I know he got off

Cause he was there in my old house
And held me close to his side
As I hid there behind our couch
The night that my parents died.......


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