Paddy Schmidt - The Holy Ground vaizdo klipas

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Paddy Schmidt

The Holy Ground dainos žodžiai

Adieu, my lovely Dinah, a thousand times adieu.
We are bound away from the Holy Ground
And the girls we love so true.
We´ll sail the salt seas over
And we´ll return once more,
And still I live in hope to see
The Holy Ground once more.

Fine girl you are!
You´re the girl that I adore,
And still I live in hope to see
The Holy Ground once more.

Now when we´re out a-sailing
And you are far behind
Fine letters will I write to you
With the secrets of my mind,
The secrets of my mind, my girl,
You´re the girl that I adore,
And still I live in hope to see
The Holy Ground once more.

Oh now the storm is raging
And we are far from shore;
The poor old ship she´s sinking fast
And the riggings they are tore.
The night is dark and dreary,
We can scarcely see the moon,
But still I live in hope to see
The Holy Ground once more.

It´s now the storm is over
And we are safe on shore
We´ll drink a toast to the Holy Ground
And the girls that we adore.
We´ll drink strong ale and porter
And we´ll make the taproom roar,
And when our money is all spent
We´ll go to sea once more.


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