Adam Sandler - The Excited Southerner Proposes To A Woman vaizdo klipas

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Adam Sandler

The Excited Southerner Proposes To A Woman dainos žodžiai

[Setting: A restaurant with music playing in the background]

"And now the Excited Southerner proposes to a girl."

Girl: "You wanted to ask me something?"

Excited Southerner: "Yes, I did. I - first of all I just wanted to say

That you're -- very pretty girl, and I, I -- hoo -- you'the -- we've

Known each other for so long now, and-uh, it's about time that the two

Of us -- we're both getting older right now, and-uh, and I don't want to

Die alone, I -- tell you that much -- hoo -- getting ahead of myself --

Got ta slow down, hoo-hoo, concentrate on what I'm trying to get across

To you right now, hoo, I mean,

Whe-whe-whe-whe-whe-whe-whe-whe-whe-whe-willing to be a house husband,

You don't have to qu-qu-qu-qu-quit your job there, there, I'm, I'm,

The-, I'm, I'm -- hoo, honeymoon in the

Poconos, with the -- hoo, woo hoo -- sex optional -- you don't have to

Do what you don't want to do, hoo hoo hoo hoo, someday you're going to

Love me, and that -- that's fi-- til death do us part I, we'll get the

Chocolate cake and the sunrise and the sunset -- no prenuptial agree --"

Girl: "Look, are you trying to ask me to marry you? Because I'm just not

Ready for that kind of commitment."

Excited Southerner: "Coooooo."


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