Five For Fighting - The Devil In The Wishing Well vaizdo klipas

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Five For Fighting

The Devil In The Wishing Well dainos žodžiai

I met Jane at the center of the earth
It was dark there was dirt all around
But I gather you can figure that Jane says I'm your body in the night
And I'll lead you where you might find yourself
Better if you follow me So go right you'll be left at a big hotel
You'll meet the devil at the bottom of a wishing well
You know you better give him something
Give him something good
Like everybody else he's misunderstood Jane says it's a long way out...
I'm gonna make it out
Cause I'm about her Jane says, you're as Holy as a ghost,
But who loves you the most, if you offer
I might let you carry me Jane there's nobody here but yourself
In the end it's the wealth of your spirit
Now hurry up get on with it
I went left I got right at some big hotel
There was a devil at the bottom of the wishing well
He said you better give me something
Give me something good
Like everybody else I'm misunderstood Jane says it's a long way out
I'm gonna make it out
Cause I'm about
Jane says it's a long way out
I'm gonna make it out I took a guess and cut a portion out of my heart
He said that's nowhere close enough but it's a damn good start
I wrote the secret that I buried on the wishing well wall
He said I've seen one... it follows that I've seen them all
We spoke of human destination in a perfect world
Derived the nature of the universe (found it unfulfilled)
As I took him in my arms he screamed I'm not insane
I'm just looking for someone to understand my pain... It's a long way out...
I'm gonna make it out


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