Paddy Schmidt - The Boys That Wore The Green vaizdo klipas

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Paddy Schmidt

The Boys That Wore The Green dainos žodžiai

On the 21st of July
Beneath a burning sun
McDowell met the Southern troops
In battle at Bull Run
Above the Union vanguard
Was proudly to be seen
Beside the starry banner
Old Erin´s flag of green

Col. Corcoran led the 69th
On that eventful day
I wish the Prince of Wales were there
To see him in the fray
His charge upon the batteries
Was a most glorious scene
With gallant New York firemen
And the boys that wear the green

In the hottest of the fire
There rode along the line
A captain of the Zouave band, crying
"Now, boys, is your time"
Ah, who so boldy rides
With the bold and dauntless men
´Tis Thomas Francis Meagher
Of Erin´s isle of green

The colors of the 69th
I say it without shame
Were taken in the struggle
To swell the victor´s fame
But Farnham´s dashing Zouaves
That run with the machine
Retook them in a moment
With the boys that wore the green

Being overpowered by numbers
Our troops were forced to flee
The Southern black horse cavalry
On them charged furiously
But in that hour of peril
The flying mass to screen
Stood the gallant New York firemen
With the boys that wore the green

Oh, the boys of the 69th
They are a gallant band
Bolder never drew a sword
For their adopted land
Amongst the fallen heroes
A braver had not been
Than you, lamented Haggerty
Of Erin´s isle of green

Farewell, my gallant countrymen
Who fell that fatal day.
Farewell, ye noble firemen
Now mouldering in the clay
While blooms the leafy shamrock
Whilst runs the old machine
Your deeds will live bold Red Shirts
And boys that wore the green


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