Le Ann Rimes - Ten Thousand Angels Cried vaizdo klipas

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Le Ann Rimes

Ten Thousand Angels Cried dainos žodžiai

Stillness filled the heavens, on crucifixion day.
Some say it rained, I don't know if it's true.
Well, I can just imagine ten thousand angels cried
That would seem like rain to me and you. The angels all stood ready to take him from the tree
They waited for the words from his voice.
And when he asked the father why has thou forsaken me.
They watched the saviour die of his own choice. I've never seen ten thousand angels cry
But I'm sure they did
As they stood by
And watched the saviour die. God turned his head away
He couldn't bear the sight
It must have looked like rain
When ten thousand angels cried.
As the sun slipped away
The skies turned to grey
And when jesus gave his all
That's when the tears began to fall I've never seen ten thousand angels cry
But I'm sure they did
As they stood by
And watched the saviour die. God turned his head away
He couldn't bear the sight
It must have looked like rain
When ten thousand angels cried. It must have looked like rain
When ten thousand angels cried.


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