Courtney Love - Teenage Whore vaizdo klipas

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Courtney Love

Teenage Whore dainos žodžiai

Teenage Whore

When I was a teenage whore
My mother asked me she said, "baby what for?
I give you plenty, why do you want more?
Baby, why are you a teenage whore?"
I said I feel so alone and i
I wish I could die
Seen the things you put me through and
I wish I could die
When I was a teenage whore
The rain came down like it never did before
I pay good money not to be ignored
Why am I a teenage whore
I've seen your repulsion and it looks real good on you
Tonight and why?
What you put me through
Of my house...
Get out of my house
Get out of my house
Get out of my house
When I was a teenage whore
My mother asked me she said, "Baby what for?
I give you plenty why do you want more?
Baby, why are you a teenage whore?"
I've seen your repulsion
And it looks real good on you
I don't want to live what you have
You have put me through
I wanted that shirt and I wanted those pants
I never had a way


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