Avril Lavigne - Take Me Away Besides vaizdo klipas

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Avril Lavigne

Take Me Away Besides dainos žodžiai

Don't don't don't say no to anything
Yes yes say yes to everything
just find a way.. to get away
(wanna runaway)
lets take off the clothes and see if anybody notices then runaway, what you say?(when im ok) Have a little joy, have a little faith, live life, have a little hope, have a lot of fun! Cause you you
you've never know what people throw to make you stop
I I I Ive gonna try to let this life
pick me up and take me away! Run up to a stranger kiss and tell them that you love them and then walk away, you make their day..
Stand up in a restaurant, start dancing on a table
then kick out for that behavior
(that behavior)
(ups i did it again) Have a little joy, have a little faith, live life, have a little hope, have a lot of fun! Cause you you
you've never know what people throw to make you stop
I I I Ive gonna try to let this life
pick me up and take me away! Don't you know that nothing equals nothing?
Do anything
Do everything
Do something
open up your mouth and let your soul sing! You you you've never know what people throw to make you stop Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
(you could never know) you you you've never know what people throw to make you stop Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
(you could never know) I I I Ive gonna try to let this life
pick me up and take me away!


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