Jack Johnson - Symbol In My Driveway vaizdo klipas

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Jack Johnson

Symbol In My Driveway dainos žodžiai

I've got a symbol in my driveway
I've got a hundred million dollar friends
I've got you a brand new weapon
Let's see how destructive we can be
Got a brand new set of stencils
I been connecting all the dots
Got my plans in a zip-lock bag
Let's see how unproductive we can be
I've got a light bulb full of anger
And I can switch it on and off
Situations that can be so bright
I can't believe
How pathetic we can be
I've got a perfect set of blueprints
I'm gonna build somebody else
Might cost a little more than money
But what's man without his wealth?
Got a phosphorescent secret
But don't you tell nobody else
Next thing you know
The whole world will be talkin
About all the blues they got
They just ain't no use because
Mmmmmmm [Jack:] I had a mosquito on my nose
[Little Girl:] Why does a guitar have strings?


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