Populiariausios grupės, atlikėjai

Lietuvių Liaudies Dainos
480157 peržiūros
237671 peržiūra
222196 peržiūros
Celine Dion
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Linkin Park
172521 peržiūra
Justin Bieber
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Populiariausi lietuvišku dainų žodžiai

Populiariausi anglišku dainų žodžiai

Naujausi lietuvišku dainų žodžiai

Naujausi anglišku dainų žodžiai

Suede dainų žodžiai, tekstai

Suede - Wsd
Dressed as a cowboy on top of a hill it's sadder than it probably sounds He gets lovely the more he...

Suede - Whipsnade
We are only young But we style our future with a cattle gun And we aren't idle rich So we smile f...

Suede - Trash
Maybe maybe it's the clothes we wear The tasteless bracelets and the dye in our hair Maybe it's o...

Suede - Together
She was standing smoking counting stolen change Don't someone have the guts to complain? Said "sup...

Suede - These Are The Sad Songs
Lay Lady Lay and Band of Gold A Day in the Life And Dream of Sheep Seasong and Vincent and Death ...

Suede - The Drowners
Won't someone give me a gun? Oh well it's for my brother Well he writes the line wrote down my sp...


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