Hatebreed - Straight To Your Face vaizdo klipas

Kitu Hatebreed dainų žodžiai

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Straight To Your Face dainos žodžiai

Straight to your face with the truth
The longer it takes for you to achieve
The faster they want to see you break
It's in their nature to try to destroy
What they know they could not help create
I've seen it for years and I know first hand
Who is genuine and who is fake
The rest of the leeches will come and go
Good riddance, we hated you anyway
Straight to your face with the truth!
Sometimes it gets hard
When the road to the future take you back
To a better day, you wonder and ask yourself
Where the time went and why some people
Had lost their faith
Through some memories and the friendships we had over time have begun to fade
We're still right here and we're stronger than ever
What we've done can never be taken away


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