Taylor Swift - Story of us vaizdo klipas

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Taylor Swift

Story of us dainos žodžiai

Chorus: This is just another story bout boy meets girl,  
Boy leaves her
Crashes her world.
This is the story bout me and you, and everything that we been through 

This ain't no fairytale kinda story babe,
This was real.
Never thought that one day I'd be able to tell you how I feel.
Don't you remember that night, that saturday night, you took my hand and it felt so right
And at that moment I told you about my dreams, everything I wanted us to be...


Summer passed quick, all was ending
And I could feel fall on my shoulders
I was waiting till september and I'd see your face but in that moment I knew it was over.

And I remember that day, you moved away
Every little bit of my heart just sank
I remember what happened when I came home, I ran to my room and closed the door...


Ohhh, I was out of town one day,  
I saw you sittin on the porch, you looked at me
You said sorry that you did me wrong
You been thinking bout me all along
I said baby I don't even care
I'm just glad I'm here.

This is just another story bout boy meets girl,  
Boy loves her
Rocks her world.
This is the story bout me and you, and everything that we been through x2 

That we've been through, woah ohh 


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