A Ha - Solace vaizdo klipas

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A Ha

Solace dainos žodžiai


Some sign of forgiveness
Some form of relief
Is all that she asks for
Is all that she needs

She waits for the day when
She´ll fell more at ease
Some time to be cared for
Some time left in peace

Cold stars of the future
They burned bright in the past
But these moments of solace
They won´t last
They don´t last

You´re waisting the moment
Biding your time
No-one got ahead
Standing in line

So something is over
Before it´s begun
So close she could taste it
But now it´s gone

Cold stars of the future
They burned bright in the past
But these moments of solace
They won´t last
They cannot last

You´re hoping for solace
Well just look around
Everyone here is
Standing in line

Solace now

She hopes for
She waits for the day
But with every nightfall
It´s slipping away


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