Gym Class Heroes - So Long Friend vaizdo klipas

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Gym Class Heroes

So Long Friend dainos žodžiai

Today I wasn't even gonna take a shower
and then I got a call sayin' that my cousin died in a fire.
So I washed myself for what seemed like three hours
in tears and rusty water.
I need some of that calgon take me away action, immediately,
before I start scrubbin' my hands hard, repeatedly.
I'm stuck somewhere in lethargic mental reality
and a f**kin' tool video.
I've said goodbye too many times these 22 long ones,
and here I am wavin' again.
So long, friend.
I shoulda told her how this town doesn't like when people leave,
so it finds ways to keep 'em.
It sews seeds and reaps 'em.
And now she's part of their harvest,
but different from all the others.
Ask her mother how her smile touched souls and warms cold hearts.
Monique, I miss you.
I wish I coulda kissed you farewell,
and given you that tattoo you always asked for.
And when I'm done tattin' Thug Life on God's stomach,
you got next.
I'm done.
Y'all take what you want from it.
I'm going to wash my hands.
I miss you, Girl.


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