P.O.D - Sleeping Awake vaizdo klipas

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Sleeping Awake dainos žodžiai

Reveal to me
The mysteries
Can you tell me what it means?
Explain these motions and metaphors
Unlock these secrets in me
Describe the visions
The meaning is missing
Won't anybody listen? Define the riddles of my mind
Nothing is really as it seems Dreaming of Zion awake
Sleeping awake
Dreaming of Zion awake
Can't stop sleeping awake Do you see what I see?
Can you hear what I hear?
Do you feel like I feel?
Do you see what I see?
Can you hear what I hear?
Do you feel like I feel?
Can't stop sleeping awake Can you see it?
The writing
Can you tell me what it means?
Translate the symbols; enigma
Expressions keep pushing me
The message slips and the meaning is missing
Won't anybody listen? Prophecy; interpretate the signs
Nothing is really as it seems Dreaming of Zion awake
Sleeping awake
Dreaming of Zion awake
Can't stop sleeping awake Do you see what I see?
Can you hear what I hear?
Do you feel like I feel?
Do you see what I see?
Can you hear what I hear?
Do you feel like I feel?
Can't stop sleeping awake Do you see what I see?
Can you hear what I hear?
Do you feel like I feel?
Can you dream what I dream? Do you see what I see?
Can you hear what I hear?
Do you feel like I feel?
Do you dream like I dream?
Can anybody see me?
Can anybody hear me?
Can anybody feel me?
Is anybody out there? Dreaming of Zion awake
Sleeping awake
Dreaming of Zion awake
Can't stop sleeping awake Do you see what I see?
Can you hear what I hear?
Do you feel like I feel?
Can't stop sleeping awake
Can anybody see me?
Can anybody hear me?
Can anybody feel me?
Is anybody out there?


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