Dickinson Bruce - Shoot All The Clowns vaizdo klipas

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Dickinson Bruce

Shoot All The Clowns dainos žodžiai

Shoot All The Clowns

I've been down
At the crazy house
I've been playing
With the cat and the mouse
I've been down
I've been down
I've seen the crazy people
Running around

Shoot all the clowns
Shoot 'em down
Shoot 'em down
Shoot 'em down

Welcome to the circus
Where I fool around
I got the killer smile
I'm a killer clown
Cover up your face
You've been found out
You laugh when
There's nothing to smile about

Shoot shoot
Shoot all the clowns

Wanna gimme money
Well you better get ready
I'm a certified friend
Of John Paul Getty
I'm a fat stargazer
I'm an all night raver
I'm an anything you wannabe
If I can get your sympathy
Welcome to the circus
I'm a killer clown
Welcome to the circus
Hey gather round
2 sides to life
2 sides to fun
The one who does it
And the one who gets done


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