Courtney Love - She Walks On Me vaizdo klipas

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Courtney Love

She Walks On Me dainos žodžiai

She Walks On Me

Geeks do not have pedigrees
Or pefect punk rock resumes
Or anorexic magazines
It smells like girl
It smells like girl

She walks over me
She walks over me

Hold you close like we both died
My ever present suicide
My stupid fuck
My blushing bride
Oh tear my heart out
Tear my heart out

She walks over me
She walks over me

I shut my mouth with you for a gag
I use the rest of you for a gag
Yea I gotta shut my mouth with you for a gag
I gotta use the rest of you

Daddy daddy
Please come here
Don't you trash me
Don't you dare
We look the same
We talk the same
We are the same
We are the same

She walks over me
She walks over me

I shut my mouth with you for a gag
I shut my mouth with you for a gag
Yea I gotta shut my mouth with you for a gag
I gotta use the rest of you

Now she sees she walks the same
And now you see she talks the same
You never know what you will get
You never know what you'll forget

She walks over me
She walks over me
She walks


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