Xtc - Season Cycle vaizdo klipas

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Season Cycle dainos žodžiai

Season cycle moving round and round
Pushing life up from a cold dead ground
It's growing green
It's growing green, well
Darling don't you ever stop to wonder
About the clouds about the hail and thunder
'Bout the baby and its umbilical
Who's pushing the pedals on the season cycle?
Summer chased by Autumn
Autumn chased by Winter
Season cycle go from death to life
Winter chased by Springtime
Bring a harvest or a man his wife
Springtime's turning
It's growing green
It's growing green, well
Darling, don't you ever sit and ponder
Darling did you ever think
About the building of the hills a yonder
All this life stuff's closely linked
Where we're going in this verdant spiral
Who's pushing the pedals on the season cycle?
Round and round and round and round
I really get confused on who would make all this
Is there a God in Heaven
Everybody says join our religion get to Heaven
I say no thanks why bless my soul
I'm already there!
Autumn is Royal
As Spring is clown
But to repaint Summer
They're closing Winter down
Darling don't you ever stop to wonder
Darling did you ever think
About the clouds about the hail and thunder
All this life stuff's closely linked
About the baby and its umbilical
Who's pushing the pedals on the season cycle?
Season cycle
Darling, don't you ever sit and ponder
Darling did you ever think
About the building of the hills a yonder
All this life stuff's closely linked
Where we're going in the verdant spiral
Who's pushing the pedals on the season cycle?


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