Bowling For Soup - Sandwich vaizdo klipas

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Bowling For Soup

Sandwich dainos žodžiai

Sometimes I lose control and I don't seem to care,
It's time to light this candle and get the blank out of here. This is the last song that I write
(the last song of ours)
It's been a year now and I know
(now I know we're)
I have got to get away
(got to get away from here)
Going to the place I know
(the upper atmosphere) Out in the dark I found a place
(I have finally found a place)
Where I can think of myself and not your stupid face In all that I can reason why
(in all that I can reason why)
Why they said no woman no cry
(no woman no cry) It's a paradox and
you lose control and
you gain control but
I don't care It's a pardox and
you lose control and
you gain control but
I don't really care Get the blank out of here
It's time to light this candle and get the blank out of here This is the last song that I write
(the last song of ours)
'Cause I'm leaving this world
(just like many others)
So when you find that I'm gone
(you'll know it's time to get gone)
Just accustomed to the stars
(the constellations which you are) It's a paradox and
you lose control and
you gain control but
I don't care It's a paradox and
you lose control and
you gain control but
I don't really care Get the blank out of here
It's time to light this candle and get the blank out of here It's time to light this candle and get the f**k out of here


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