Linkin Park - Run Away (Carousel) vaizdo klipas

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Linkin Park

Run Away (Carousel) dainos žodžiai

She can't hide no matter how hard she tries Her secret disguised behind the lies And at night she cries away her pride With eyes shut tight staring at her inside All her friends know why she can't sleep at night All her family asking is she alright All she wants to do is get rid of this hell Well all she's got to do is stop kiddin herself She can only fool herself for so long She can only fool herself for so long She can only fool herself for so long Are you too weak to face me? (She can only fool herself)
I never know just why you run so far away far away from me I never know just why you run so far away far away from me
When it comes to how to live his life he can't be told Says he got everything under control
Thinks he knows he's not a problem he's stuck with But in reality it would be a problem to just quit An addict and he can't hold the reigns The pain is worse cause his friends have it the same Tries to slow down the problem he's got But can't get off the carousel until he makes it stop He can only fool himself for so long He can only fool himself for so long He can only fool himself for so long Are you too weak to face me? (He can only fool himself)
I never know just why you run so far away far away from me I never know just why you run so far away far away from me
[Background stuff] I never know just why you run so far away far away from me I never know just why you run so far away far away from me I never know just why you run so far away far away from me I never know just why you run so far away far away from me


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