Jessica Simpson - Round Here vaizdo klipas

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Jessica Simpson

Round Here dainos žodžiai

This is the place to be this is why I dont have jealously and round here I love ya baby and we are so alike we say things together we are ment, ment for each other! Round here, I love ya back
Round here, I want ya to
Round and round and round
this is where we are at
its round here... This is the song I sing and you are my sweet heart and so fine! ya never would treat me bad coz we know each other to well, my friend, actually your more then that! and I am ment for you Round here, I love ya back
Round here, I want ya to
Round and round and round
this is where we are at
its round here... You never take things into your hands and leave me out coz your not that kinda guy and I'm the kinda girl that wants the perfect man and round here I found him to be you Round here, I love ya back
Round here, I want ya to
Round and round and round
this is where we are at
its round here...Round here, I love ya back
Round here, I want ya to
Round and round and round
this is where we are at
its round here...


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