Kelis - Rollin Thru The Hood vaizdo klipas

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Rollin Thru The Hood dainos žodžiai

Yesterday, I rolled through the hood
And I seen somethin'
And it hurt me
Yesterday, I rolled throught the hood
And I seen somethin'
And it hurt me
You were talkin' to that woman
Like you could show her somethin'
And I didn't know what to do
You pulled out your pen and paper
And I know it your number you gave her
I never thought this bad dream would come true [CHORUS]
Baby I want you to know
The suburbs to the ghetto
Joy is joy and pain is pain...pain
One day sooner than you know
We'll be livin' tomorrow
And we'll be laughin' about [VERSE 2]
Yesterday, I rolled through the hood
And I seen somethin'
And it hurt me
Yesterday, I rolled throught the hood
And I seen somethin'
And it hurt me
You were talkin' to your boys
And though y'all didn't make noise
You tapped him and you pointed at this woman
Then she turned around
As if she'd been found
And all I know my heart started jumpin' [CHORUS]
Baby I want you to know
The suburbs to the ghetto
Joy is joy and pain is pain...pain
One day sooner than you know
We'll be livin' tomorrow
And we'll be laughin' about [REPEAT 2x]
Maybe tomorrow...Maybe tomorrow
Maybe tomorrow...Maybe tomorrow [BRIDGE]
Beautiful baby don't you know you mean the world to me
The moon would lose the sky if you don't stay
Did I ever tell you that you were my sunshine?
So basically if you leave, there is no day [VERSE 3]
Yesterday, I rolled throught the hood
And I seen somethin'
And it hurt me
Yesterday, I rolled throught the hood
And I seen somethin'
And it hurt me
Instead of scorin' high in college
We're scorin' high in gargabe
And not rememberin' who we are
And not to mention...forgettin' who God is
Don't know that you're special
And God will never forget you
The world is used, watch what you do with it [CHORUS]
Baby I want you to know
The suburbs to the ghetto
Joy is joy and pain is pain...pain
One day sooner than you know
We'll be livin' tomorrow
And we'll be laughin' about [REPEAT 2x]
Maybe tomorrow...Maybe tomorrow
Maybe tomorrow...Maybe tomorrow


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