Gavin De Graw - Relative vaizdo klipas

Kitu Gavin De Graw dainų žodžiai

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Naujausi anglišku dainų žodžiai


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Gavin De Graw

Relative dainos žodžiai

A flashlight
Isn't quite sunlight
But any light at all seems bright
When you're looking in the dark
A wet Dream
Isn't the real thing
It isn't really anything
But at least it makes a spark
And all is relative, relative
Everything is relative, yes it is

It's all about the way we recieve it
How much we believe it
Depending on the life you lead, if you lead it
Compare it to yourself
Compared to someone else, you care
And if you pick the threads in your closet, the cash in your wallet
The color of the skin in your blood, and how you got it
Compare it to yourself
Compared to someone else, you care

Pre-made isn't quite home made
But pre-made with a home name
Is almost just the same
Your girlfriend
Isn't your best friend
But any friend is best when
You're freezing in the rain
And all is relative, relative
Everything is relative, yes it is


You're either underweight or you're unfit
Underdressed or over zipped
Too social or you're just too shy
Too depressed or you're too high
Night to day
Day to night
Rich to poor
Black or white
All is relative
Everything is relative
All is relative


All is relative
Everything is relative
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Everything is relative

All is relative
You care


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