Girls Aloud - Racy Lacey vaizdo klipas

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Girls Aloud

Racy Lacey dainos žodžiai

I know this girl, she's not too bright
But she's educated in bed alright
She's made seduction a work of art
A PhD with her legs apart She's got dreamy eyes and little lips
She's got undulating grundulating grinding hips
She clicks her fingers, guys come to heal
Chewed up, spat out, no big deal Racey Lacey, boudoir beauty
It's all that she can do
A connoisseur of satin sheets
A red head through and through Racey Lacey, boudoir beauty
The lifestyle suits her fine
The girl ain't back but in coming forward
She's got this crazy line And so this girl, I've heard it said
Can spend up to twenty four hours in bed
She gets her suiters to wait in line
And she's worn them out by half past nine [WITH KIM] She's got dreamy eyes and little lips
She's got undulating grundulating grinding hips
She clicks her fingers, guys come to heal
Chewed up, spat out, no big deal Racey Lacey, boudoir beauty
It's all that she can do
A connoisseur of satin sheets
A red head through and through Racey Lacey, boudoir beauty
The lifestyle suits her fine
The girl ain't back but in coming forward
She's got this crazy line She's got dreamy eyes and little lips
She's got undulating grundulating grinding hips
She clicks her fingers, guys come to heal
Chewed up, spat out, no big deal Racey Lacey, boudoir beauty
It's all that she can do
A connoiseur of satin sheets
A red head through and through Racey Lacey, boudoir beauty
The lifestyle suits her fine
The girl ain't back but in coming forward
She's got this crazy line


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