Ace Of Base - Que Sera vaizdo klipas

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Ace Of Base

Que Sera dainos žodžiai

[Vocals: Jenny/Linn;
Backing vocals: John Ballard]
They call to her from across the street
But they don't know her name
She's in the wrong place at the wrong time
Who's to blame
She wonders how to change
The life she's living
She wonders if she'll ever get away
As far as I can see, the writing's on the wall
There's no return, we live, we learn
The game goes on and on and
Que sera
I like you but I don't
Really want to take you home
Que sera
It's a lonely life
Living on my own
Que sera
What's it gonna be, what's it gonna be
She left her home when she was seventeen
Simply disappeared in the rain
Those were bad times so it was high time
She knows she'd do it again
She wonders how
She's gonna make a living
She wonders if she'll make it through the day
As far as I can see, I've seen it all before
A lonely girl in a big bad world
The game goes on and on and
Que sera...


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