Shakira - Pure Intuition vaizdo klipas

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Pure Intuition dainos žodžiai

Let us be wrong and let's begin
A mistake that turns into perfection
I want to see you sliding in
my underworld This time I plan to let you win
I'll be a victim of my own invention
Let us be wrong and let's begin
Once and for all
What heaven weaves and braids no man shall undo
And I've been custom-made for no one but you
you know it's now or never I have a feeling inside
(Despacio, despacio, comienzas a caer)
And intuition's always been a woman's guide
(Te siento, te siento, desde antes de nacer)
We've been wanting each other since before we were born
(Adentro, adentro te vas quedando)
And I want want you even after I am gone
(Asķ, estoy dispuesta a todo amor) This time I plan to let you win
I'll be here in full subordination
I'll be devoted to your will
Once and for all Love is only pain disguised as a kiss
So make me feel it now
Let's get on with this
and the sooner the better I have a feeling inside
(Despacio, despacio, comienzas a caer)
And intuition's always been a woman's guide
(Te siento, te siento, desde antes de nacer)
We've been wanting each other since before we were born
(Adentro, adentro te vas quedando)
And I will want you even after I am gone
(Asķ, estoy dispuesta a todo) I have a feeling inside
(Despacio, despacio, comienzas a caer)
And intuition's always been a woman's guide
(Te siento, te siento, desde antes de nacer)
We've been wanting each other since before we were born
(Adentro, adentro te vas quedando)
And I will love you even after I am gone
After I am gone...


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