Accept - Prejudice vaizdo klipas

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Prejudice dainos žodžiai

We grow and fertilize the semen of hate
Ignoring our ignorance - daring our fate
Predictions were made -
Generations were lost
While the seed is growing day by
Day in front of us
We buried tolerance and our respect
Became a breeding ground for
Social dismay
Whatever happened to the
With black and white hand in hand
Side by side
So preacher don1t you preach
Hey teacher don1t you teach
Prejudice - stop the hate
No more prejudice -
I ain1t losing my faith
Prejudice - stop the hate
No more prejudice -
I ain1t losing my faith
If we could manage just to get along
Instead of blaming each other for
What1s going wrong
Education is the secret -
The future1s in our hands
Burn the fields of hate and
Believe again
Teacher don1t you teach
Preacher don1t you preach
So teacher don1t you teach me
Hey preacher don1t you preach
Prejudice - stop the hate
No more prejudice -
I ain1t losing my faith
Prejudice - stop the hate
No more prejudice -
I ain1t losing my faith
Prejudice - prejudice
Judging one another by the
Colour of skin
Carefully covering our feelings within
We solve our problems with a kick
In the face
We1re living in a world judged by
Colour and race
So preacher don1t you preach
Hey teacher don1t you teach me
Prejudice - stop the hate
No more prejudice -
I ain1t losing my faith
Prejudice - stop the hate
No more prejudice -
I ain1t losing my faith
Prejudice - stop the hate - prejudice
Prejudice - stop the hate - prejudice


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Komentaras: yra lietuviškų ir angliškų dainų tekstų ir žodžių archyvas. Visi dainų tekstai yra jų autorių nuosavybė ir pateikiami tik informaciniais tikslais. Visi vaizdo klipai yra iš, čia pateikiama automatinė Youtube klipų paieška. neprisiima atsakomybės už šioje svetainėje skelbiamos informacijos tikslumą ir jos panaudojimo pasekmes. Kiekvienas rašydamas naują komentarą atsako už skelbiamos informacijos turinį.
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