Avril Lavigne - Pathetic vaizdo klipas

Kitu Avril Lavigne dainų žodžiai

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Avril Lavigne

Pathetic dainos žodžiai

I know I'm pathetic, I knew when he said it
A loser, a bum's what he called me when I drove him home
There's no more waiting and sure no more wasting
I've done all I can but he still wants to be left alone

You got, you got, you got to help me out
And I'll try not to argue
No one, no one, no one likes a drop-out
Mistakes are hard to undo

Don't pull me down, this is where I belong
I think I'm different, but I'm the same and I'm wrong
Don't pull me down, this is where I belong
I think I'm different, this is where I belong

I think it's disgusting, believing and trusting
If I gave a f**k there would be nothing for me to prove
Although it's amusing, it's slightly confusing
I've done all I can but her ego is still hard to move

You got, you got, you got to help me out
And I'll try not to argue
No one, no one, no one likes a drop-out
Mistakes are hard to undo

Don't pull me down, this is where I belong
I think I'm different, but I'm the same and I'm wrong
Don't pull me down, this is where I belong
I think I'm different, this is where I belong

Don't pull me down, this is where I belong
I think I'm different, this is where I belong


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