Alabama - Once Upon A Lifetime vaizdo klipas

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Once Upon A Lifetime dainos žodžiai

Once upon a lifetime,

I looked in someone's eyes.

And felt the the fire burning in my heart,

For the very first time.

She was scared and young,

And had never tasted love.

So I took her by the hand,

And a boy became a man

Once upon a lifetime.

And once upon a lifetime,

You hold the queen of hearts.

But if you gamble on the diamond,

When the dealing starts,

You stand to lose it all.

As the cards begin to fall,

An' the lesson learned is hard.

You're only dealt the queen of hearts,

Once upon a lifetime.

So if your taking chances, know the chance you take.

A broken heart's a high price to pay.

Foolish ways will make fools of the wise.

And the best things seldom come along twice.

Once upon a lifetime,

You know that you've been blessed.

When you hold your first born,

Tenderly against your chest.

The innocence you see,

The value of a family.

And you feel a special bond,

That only comes a long,

Once upon a lifetime.

So if your taking chances, know the chance you take.

A broken heart's a high price to pay.

Foolish ways will make fools of the wise.

And the best things seldom come along twice.

And people only find,

A love like your and mine

Once upon a lifetime.


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