Game - Olivia Debut Single vaizdo klipas

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Olivia Debut Single dainos žodžiai

[50 cent and Olivia being interviewed]
There's definitely gonna be a comparison
Olivia have you ever met Ashanti?
New York, Olivia walked in here so cocky cocky cocky

[R&B singer]
Oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, baby
Olivia, you are my wooorrrrlld
If I could have one chaaannnce
I'd make you my girrrllll
Game first introduced us
You were in the studio with 50 cent
Woah you looked like Beyonce' , mixed with a little bit of Patti
Oooohhhh sooo fine girl
You had your nails and hair done
Sitting next to that fag Tony Yayo
Thought he was your boyfriend
And I was mad but now it's all goood
But he aint from the hood
Ooooooooooooo No
But I'm from Compton on Arbeuda St., in a big pretty white house
I thought you were my baby girl
You should've been lucky like me
In your pretty G-Unit jeans
[Olivia... baby]
Oliviaaaa, you are my worrrlld
If I could have one chaaannnce
I'd make you my girrrllll
Remember when we went to the Four Seasons in New York
We sat down and had a nice meal, baby
Girl I felt so good sitting there next to you, baby
I wondered if I could stay there all tonight
Then we went upstairs, baby
Your no girl, you had a great big dick like me!
I gotta tell the world, I gotta tell the world
Bitch I'm gonna kill you[Oooohhhhh]
You dirty, you dirty bitch
I got to let the world see
You ain't nothin' but a lowdown dirty bitch
With a great big dick like me
Oliviaaaa, you are my worrrlld
If I could have one chaaannnce
I'd make you my girrrllll

You know what i'm a do?
Right now, bout now
Y'all start calling yourse~
Naw I' ma call yo ass, Oliver bitch
Yo gon' be a strong ass man too
Your the ugliest bitch in the world
To do some shit like that to me
You don't do that shit to me


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