Christmas Carols - O Christmas Tree vaizdo klipas

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Christmas Carols

O Christmas Tree dainos žodžiai

Oh Christmas tree, oh christmas tree, of all the trees most lovely

Oh Christmas tree, oh christmas tree, of all the trees most lovely

Each year you bring to me delight, meaning in the christmas night

Oh Christmas tree, oh christmas tree, of all the trees most lovely

Oh Christmas tree, oh christmas tree, with faithful leaves unchanging

Oh Christmas tree, oh christmas tree, with faithful leaves unchanging

Your boughs are green, in sommers glow and do not fade in winters snow

Oh Christmas tree, oh christmas tree, with faithful leaves unchanging

Each year you bring to me delight, meaning in the christmas night

Oh Christmas tree, oh christmas tree, of all the trees most lovely

Alternative Lyrics:
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
How faithful are thy branches!
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
How faithful are thy branches!
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
Green not alone in summertime,
But in the winter's frost and rime;
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
How faithful are they branches.

'Tis not alone in summer's sheen,
Its boughs are broad, it's leaves are green;
It blooms for us when wild winds blow,
And earth is white with feath'ry snow;
A voice tells all its boughs amoung
Of sheperds watch, and angel's song
Of holy babe in manger low,
THe story of so long ago.


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