Insane Clown Posse - Nothing Left vaizdo klipas

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Insane Clown Posse

Nothing Left dainos žodžiai

Insane Clown Posse - Nothing Left

Man...I Love You Guys Man,
Man Shut The Fuck Up,
Man Why You Always Gotta Ruin The Moment?,
Fuck You,

Ain't Nothing Left Here For Me,
So I'm Out This Bitch,
Fuck Staying Here,
I'm Buzzin The Fuck Out No Doubt,
We Out This Motha Fucka Right Now,

There's No Story That Ain't Been Told,
There's No Gimmick That Ain't Been Sold,
There's No Ocean Thats Never Been Swam,
(Lets Bounce)
There's No Jobber That Ain't Been Slammed,
There's No Road That Ain't Been Traveled,
(I'm Out This Bitch)
There's No Doctor That Ain't Been Baffled,
Ain't No Thug That Never Cried,
(Fuck That)
Ain't No Preacher That Never Lied,
There's No Rumor That Hasn't Been Passed,
Ain't No Question That No Ones Asked,
(I'm Gone Man)
There's No Tree That Won't Get Chopped,
There's No Bomb That Won't Get Dropped,
Ain't No Path That No Ones Laid,
Ain't No Beast That Ain't Been Afraid,
There's No Feat That No One Can,
There's No Saga That Never Began,
There's No Snow That Didn't Melt,
Ain't No Punch That Ain't Been Felt,
There's No Skill That No One's Learned,
There's No Planet That He Ain't Turned,
There's No View That Never Disolved,
There's No Problem That Ain't Been Solved,
There's No Tale That No One's Told,
There's No Beauty That Won't Get Old,
There's No Garden The Sun Ain't Been Beamed On,
There's No Sholder That Ain't Been Leaned On,
There's No Color That Ain't Been Seen,
Purple, (Red) Yellow, (Blue) Forest Green,
There's No Desert That Ain't Seen Rain,
Nobody Here That Ain't Felt Pain,
There's No Bigot That Ain't Been Clowned,
There's No Treasure That I Ain't Found,
Ain't No Cave They Never Explored,
Ain't No Mother That Ain't Been Ignored,
There's No Leader That Ain't Been Lead,
There's No Blood That Ain't Been Shed,
There's No Dish They Never Made,
Ain't No Brick They Never Laid,
Everything Lefts Been Done Before,
Nothing New, Nowhere To Explore,

On The Day When The Wagons Come I Just Pray That You Let Me On, (x3)
On The Day When The Wagons Come I Just Pray,
I Just Pray,
On The Day When The Wagons Come I Just Pray That You Let Me On,(x3)
On The Day When The Wagons Come,
Won't You Let Me On?,(x5)

Hey Jake Jeckel Fly,
Twist And Spin To The Other Side,
Hey Jack Jeckel Fly,
Twist And Spin To The Other Side,
(Whole Stanza x5)

When The Wagon Comes, (x4)
Won't You Let Me On? (x2)

Hey Jake Jeckle Fly,
Twist And Spin To The Other Side,
Hey Jack Jeckel Fly,
Twist And Spin To The Other Side,
(Whole Stanza x2)


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