Bowling For Soup - Nebraska vaizdo klipas

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Bowling For Soup

Nebraska dainos žodžiai

It seems like I should know better
I guess I don't know much
When I'm alone I'm everything
But I'm not well beneath it all Stop staring over my shoulder
Just let me breathe in peace now
Cause all I ask for is One date to shine
One date to leave it all behind
One date, yea!
One date to myself
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa It seems like I should know better
I guess I don't know much
When I'm alone I'm everything
But I'm not well beneath it all Stop staring over my shoulder
Just let me breathe in peace now
Cause all I ask for is a.... One date to shine
One date to leave it all behind
One date, yea!
One date to myself
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa One date to shine
One date to leave it all behind
One date, yea, yea, yea!
One date to myself
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa


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